Following the announcements from our respective leagues, the School District of Philadelphia, and the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, the Board of Directors of Philadelphia Lone Star FC has decided to temporarily suspend all practices and/or games to combat the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The two Academy games this weekend in the APL at home against FC Revolution United (March 14th) and away to Penn Fusion SA (March 15th) have been postponed. Also postponed are home games against Council Rock FC Bucks on March 29th and St. Thomas More SC on April 4th.
Our Second Team’s UPSL fixtures away to Santa Fe NY on March 28th and home against North Jersey Alliance FC on March 29th have also been postponed.
All First Team’s USL League Two and NPSL fixtures as well as our Women’s WPSL fixtures remain unaffected.
Meanwhile, our Academy Team and Second Team are tentatively scheduled to resume practices on April 7th while the First Team is tentatively scheduled to start preseason on April 14th. The preseason schedule for our Women’s Team remains unaffected as players will begin arriving in Philadelphia in early May.
This is an evolving situation and the club will continue to closely monitor the situation with our respective leagues as well as our facility partners and will duly inform our players, coaches, families, and fans when further information becomes available.
Your health and safety is very important to us; therefore, Philadelphia Lone Star FC encourages everyone to practice repeated and proper CDC hygiene procedures, including:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Avoid shaking hands.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Please refer to these resources for further information:
Center for Disease Control
World Health Organtization
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